Imaginary Landscape No. 5 – John Cage, prgm. Wier
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This application is a digital construction of John Cage’s Imaginary Landscape No. 5. By dragging 42 sound files into the application, the user simply has to click “Initialize” for the sound files to be loaded in randomly and to begin the piece. This application can be used to create seemingly limitless realizations of the piece with relative ease. It is certainly exponentially faster than the amount of time Cage himself spent splicing magnetic tape! There are now versions available for both Windows and Mac computers and because it is a standalone application, no additional software is needed to run it.
Watch the video below to learn more about the application and to see it in action.
I Am Sitting In a Room – Alvin Lucier, prgm. Wier
This application is a tool for easily creating versions of Alvin Lucier’s I Am Sitting In a Room. It allows the user to record the excerpt to be looped and listen to it, save it, and reset it until it is just right. Then there are options for how many generations to record, whether or not to save a file during or after the generations are recorded, and how long to wait inbetween generations. All that is required to run this application is a Mac computer, and microphones can be used to make a high quality recording.