The new year is off to a great start teaching at Roosevelt University, Phoenix College, Hinsdale Central High School, and working with all of my private students. The biggest recent news I’ve yet to announce on my website here is that I have joined the Marimba One team as an Educational Artist, and my artist page on their website can be found HERE. I have also purchased one of their beautiful 5 octave marimbas and it just arrived (see picture above)! It’s already been a joy to play on, and I’m very excited about the possibilities this will open up for performances.
While my teaching load has gotten up and running in this new semester, I’ve also been busy preparing for upcoming performances with Beyond This Point. We will be performing at Truman State University on March 7th as well as at Constellation in Chicago with Matthew Duvall on April 2nd. Another performance I’m really looking forward to with Matthew Duvall, the guys in Beyond This Point and Third Coast Percussion, and other percussionists in Chicago, is the World Premiere of “Voice of the Winds” by Marta Ptaszynska at the Museum of Contemporary Art on April 23rd. More chamber performances, as well as a few solo engagements, are being discussed for later this Spring, along with Summer and Fall dates. I’ll make sure to post again soon when more of those dates are ready to be announced!
I also recently updated an application I had created a few years ago using Max/MSP that digitally constructs the score of John Cage’s piece “Imaginary Landscape No. 5.” I made it easier to use and also created an instructional video to demonstrate how it works. Navigate over to the “Applications” page to watch the video and read more about it.