Percussion Clinics
A traditional clinic format that can be catered to audiences of various experience levels and instrument groups. This program tackles common music topics like percussion technique, rhythm, practice habits, and sight reading in fun and engaging ways. The emphasis is on broadening the perspective of music students through exercises and a detailed, multi-faceted discussion of the topics.
Music from Africa
This program showcases some of the music from the West African country of Ghana. It can include varying amounts of discussion, performance, and hands-on instruction depending on the situation. Instruments can include the gyil (xylophone) and various types of drums and the lecture component can include discussion of the music and my travels throughout the southern region of Ghana.
Percussion Sampler
This program is designed as a one to two hour excursion into the world of percussion. It includes short performances on a diverse range of instruments along with historical information and discussion of the various instruments and genres presented. This program is for all ages and audience types interested in hearing and learning about the varying instruments encompassed in the amazingly diverse percussion family of instruments.
The Science of Percussion
Designed as a two day residency/workshop for science classrooms, this program is similar to the Percussion Sampler above in that it includes short performances on a diverse range of instruments along with historical information and discussion of the various instruments and genres. This workshop discusses the science behind sound and some terminology and exercises for sound, noise, and music. The wide range of sounds found in the percussion family is the perfect complement for such a discussion, while also teaching interesting cultural topics from music around the world. I developed this program and presented for over five years at the middle school in Cottonwood, Arizona.
Contemporary Solo Percussion Concert
This is a solo concert of contemporary percussion works. With a duration of a little over an hour, the specific repertoire performed will vary depending on the date and venue but can include a variety of instruments such as marimba, multi-percussion setup, body percussion, snare drum, and more. Programs with a focused theme or topic are possible, such as an emphasis on pieces with electronics.
Please use the contact page for additional information and booking.